Incorporation of Coopers of Glasgow


Application forms available from the Clerk: Thomas W Monteith, Monteith Solicitors Limited, 9 George Square, Glasgow G2 1QQ. Alternatively you can download a digital copy of the form here. You can download the Application for a Burgess Ticket (At Far Hand) here. Payment to be made by applicant on admission.

Prices for Membership

Near Hand Applicant (If a son/daughter, son-in-law/daughter-in-law of a Member)

Package Price
If applicant HAS a Burgess Ticket (Through Membership of another Incorporation) £20
If applicant has NO Burgess Ticket £65

Far Hand Applicant:

Package Price
If applicant HAS a Burgess Ticket (Through Membership of another Incorporation) £85
If applicant has NO Burgess Ticket £1